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Life Wins    All Americans    Rookie of the Year    Record Holders    Hall Of Fame

Jim Langley

Red Bluff, CA
June 19, 1940 - Present

Born and raised in the Sacramento, CA area, Jim graduated from High School in 1958. He worked for the California State Department of Water Resources, retiring as a Water Master in 1998. Jim has two sons, Rick and Robbie, and two grandsons, Loen and Caleb. Besides cribbage, one of Jim's great passions is donating platelets. He has donated over 700 units of blood, and counting.

Jim learned to play cribbage around during lunch breaks with two retired Air Force officers. He joined the ACC in 1985. As of spring 2014, the year of his HOF induction, Jim's list of impressive ACC accomplishments include:

  • Life Master Three Star, 22,389 MRPs and 7th highest overall player in the ACC
  • 49 Tournament Wins, 3rd in the ACC in tournament wins
  • 5 time All American Team
  • 2 time National Champion (2001 and 2003)
  • Most tournament wins in a season: 7
  • 4,497 Grass Roots points, 10th highest overall in Grass Roots

A big proponent of cribbage, Jim helped establish the "Red Hot Peggers" Grass Roots Club in Red Bluff, CA, in 1992. He has been director or co-director ever since. He invites you to visit the club in July or August to see why this club's name is so appropriate! Jim has also been co-director of the XXX Grand National in 2011 in Reno, NV.

As remarkable as these achievements are, it is Jim's cribbage etiquette and his behind-the-scenes promotion of the game that sets him apart. Win or lose, Jim is always courteous and a good sport. He generously shares his strategies as a mentor to new and emerging players. On countless occasions he has also provided transportation to and from grass roots and tournaments to cribbage players with mobility challenges. Jim truly represents the ideals of the ACC, and is a find addition to the ranks of HOF members who have preceded him.

Jim was inducted into the Cribbage Hall of Fame at the awards banquet at the Grand National 33 in Phoenix, Arizona on September 20, 2014.