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Game Colony Hints



Game Colony Guidelines

Whether you are an experienced Internet player or new to "our world," here is a little insight into how the ACC tournaments at Game Colony will work:

  1. ROOM REQUIREMENTS: To play in the ACC tournaments, you must come to the ACC room. The very first time you want to play in a tournament at Game Colony, please access it by using this link:  For the next GC tournies you enter, simply use this link from then on: Remember: if you are currently a Game Colony player with a $TIX nickname, you will have to obtain a new nickname to play in ACC tournaments; please register your name you play under through the ACC.
  2. SIGN-IN:Click on the tournament, then click on "Sign up for this tournament". Note: You must be in the tournament room at least 5 minutes before the tournament starts., or you will be removed.  To enter the tournament lounge click on "ACC room".
  3. BYES: All byes will be in the FIRST ROUND. The determination of who gets the byes is completely random and the TD does not have control over it.
  4. ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments will be in the "lobby" area. Either player on each assignment can set up the table, as explained in the rules before the tournament starts.  After the first round, do not join another player until the TD posts the assignment with your name on it in that same lobby chat area.
  5. TABLE SET-UP: The person opening the table will ensure the following is selected: 121 point game, 6 card, show cards, 30 seconds on play time, non rated.
  6. POSTING RESULTS: Please post your results at the TD as follows to help the TD see it: ****Your name / their name**** in the lounge.  The asterisks are very important so that the TD will notice an assignment amid other chat posts.

Playing from IPHONE or IPAD

Can I Change My Discards to the Crib?

The default setting at is not to allow changing discards to the crib. To allow changing your discards, following the following steps:

1. Start the table
2. Click on Preferences
3. Click on the Undo from Crib until it has a check mark in it.

The Playing Area Froze Up, What Should I Do?

Clear the Cache/Temporary Internet Files

The browser cache/temporary internet files are used to help speed up the browsing/internet experience. Sometimes files are not completely cleared out or may become unusable. Clearing out the Cache/Temporary Internet Files will improve your internet experience and will help with Game Colony.

  1. Close all browser windows.
  2. Start a new browser window
  3. Click on Tools, Internet Options
  4. Click on Delete Files (or clear cache)