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♠ How to Join ♦ Register Screen Name ♣ Schedule ♥ Results ♠ Standings ♦ Lifetime IRPs ♣ Lifetime Wins ♥ Year-to-Date Wins ♠ Award Winners ♦ Past Internet Champions ♣ Seasonal Tournament Wins ♥
(Updated 12/31/24)
First Name | Last Name | eCribbage_Screen_Name |
Scott | Schaefer | Zoomie89 |
Seren | Truher | 10Percentpunk |
Richard C. | Wardenburg (D) | 11903069 |
Charlene | Hudson | 15this |
James H. | Morrow | 29seeker |
Ken | Daugherty (D) | 317bolt |
Gary | Girard | 408GRG |
Terry | Weber | 56chevy |
Tom | Gannon | 65cowboy |
Bill | Sayler | 663r |
Rick | Kimberlin | 8trick |
Alan | Towne | A.R.Towne |
Tony | Haag | a092232 |
Paul | Gregson | a2zCribbage |
Robert | Meyer | A9legged |
Carl | McCullum | absent |
Paula | Earle | ACC_VA855 |
Nate | Selk | ACC_WI2311 |
Scott | Bartosh | ACCBartosh |
Bob | Bartosh | Accbob |
Jeff | Gardner | accoh157 |
Jacob | Then | Admiral |
Curt | Conrad | AE960 |
Paul | Randell | Afman32 |
Bob | Iacopi | agbob |
Amy | Donovan | ajs54485 |
Jerry E. | Hauf (D) | AK058L |
Alfred | Mazerolle | Al |
Alan | Gunderson | AlanMN1045L |
Rhonda | Sollars | Alhavni |
Al | Seaman | Alse |
Allen | Southwell | alwades |
Andi | Winters | andiwint |
Andrew | Grage | ANDREWGRAGE |
Andy | McMillan | AndyMacJock |
Teryn | Glunz | AngelonHorseback |
Anne | Rawson | AnneElize |
Anne | Martin | AnnieMartini |
Anthony | Yaeger | anyhunts |
James | Seufert | aospade |
James L. | Bertschy | AppletonTerror64 |
Arthur | Loveland | ArtL |
Ann | Trotter | Atrots |
Andy | Wagner | aw305 |
Sharon | Lee | azshari |
Bradley | Gasper | B2GASP |
Bill | Robinson | B4133 |
Anna | Nolin | badtotheboard |
Brandon | Stokes | Baggit |
Bruce | Jensen | bagoman |
Craig | Lamb | baileydogg |
Mark E. | Shepherd | Baltzarian |
Zheanna | Murray | barnold |
Barry | Edwards | barryoc |
Basil M. | Rudnick | Basil 22 |
Bayard | Harris | Bayard654L |
Kathleen P. | Seiferlein | baylito99 |
Brian D. | Baer | bbaer1 |
Jerry | Gaff | beau1313 |
Robert C. | Hewitt | Beaver67 |
Shannon | Van Beek | Beek420247 |
Randy | Borchardt | beepa |
Gerald | Parins | belge1969 |
Bernard | Palmer | bernie49251 |
Beth | Cline | Beth2047 |
Daniel | Betz | betzdan |
Beverly | Drouin | BeverlyD |
John | McGibeny | Bexar |
Barb | Grenawalt | bgrennywi2928 |
Duane | Jones | Bidderdx |
David L. | Hayden | big sky s |
Martha J. | Martin (D) | bigbeargma |
Philip K. | Cammack | bigbutte |
Charles | VanDerhoff | bigchuckles44 |
Ted | Panos | BigCribEnergy |
Dennis C. | Stecz | Bigkahuna51 |
W. Joe | Clarke | Bigrednebraska |
Marvin W. | Lewis | Bigshane0 |
Bill | Christofferson | bill81@Fl |
William E. | Flammer Jr. | Bill831 |
William | Barnes (D) | BillBusa |
Billy | Barnes | BillyCA5177 |
Sandra | Most | BKind64 |
Raymond | Collard | Blacksheep01 |
Arlene | Alleman | Blingqueen |
Beverly | Bliss | blissymissy |
Robert | Spaman | bob spaman |
Bob | Cross | bob2205 |
Bob | Szubinski | Bobbyz15 |
Robert A. | Krupp | BOOKIE |
Peg | Rooney | Boondocky1 |
David | Suhr | Boorah |
Darren | Senn | BoosDaddy |
Matthew | Binkowski | bottomfeeder29 |
Joseph J. | Bowen | bowenmaine |
Brenda | Nason | BrendaInVegas |
Stephen | Dyer | BridgeSteve |
Amanda | Castro | brilliantzenith |
Tim | Lavey | broker07 |
Brian | McCoy | BSM1097 |
George | Beams | Buddy1947 |
Brent | Ouellette | BuffaloBJO |
June | Pafford (D) | bugb76 |
Benjamin | Greear | BUGIA584 |
Fred | Jarvis | Bump69 |
Darlene | Stier | bumstier |
Whitney | Schlehlein | Burkey317 |
Jason | Harlan (D) | Burque |
Steve | Schneider | ButchersteveMN2065 |
Reuben | Sufka | butchsuf |
Carol | Henderson | CA3453 |
Patrick | Connolly | CA4101 |
Richard | Hinrichs | CA5666 |
Gordon A. | Peterson | CA6077 |
Charles R. | Allen | callen2013 |
Carol | Miller | carol1946 |
Kim | Corn | Casey76 |
Charlene | Cohen | cc1945 |
Cyndie | Chase | Cchasema |
Terry | Higgins | chainlink1 |
Channing | Holmes | channingh |
Christy | Lens | charlieann |
Cher | Morrow | Cherbear12 |
Roger | McGary | chief1ssfd |
Brian | Pagliaroni | ChiefPags |
Philip R. | Beauregard | chiefphil |
Chris | Dougherty | ChrisIA562 |
Charles W. | Janssen | cjhere02 |
David | Clemmey (D) | Clemm |
Clinton | Deisenroth | Clint_CA3831L |
Sue | Edwards | CO434Sue |
Glenn | Buberl | CoastalEddy |
Richard Ernest | Howlett | Coeurdelion |
Carol A. | Williams | Cookie5299 |
Carl | Dahl Jr. | CowaDow |
Craig | Phipps | cphipps |
Roger J. | Bouchard | crib35 |
Dan | Quenneville | cribbage_guy75 |
Carol | Ostrikoff | CRIBBAGE2013 |
Jim | Blough | cribbagedr |
Paul C. | Barnes | cribbagepogo |
Richard Scott | Corbin | CribCraze |
Clay | Collier | cribhead |
Bob | Kron | cribhound |
Andy | Stireman | cribmonk |
Julie | Hovey | cribqueen58 |
Greg | Pines | CribSurfer |
Tom G. | Moler | cribtom |
William | Cruser | cruser |
David | Ciechanowski | Cski |
Paul | Batterson | CT31 |
Mike | Misluk | CT398 |
Carolyn | Balmer | Cuddy1385 |
Michael R. | Kopp | cueban933 |
Galen | Friend | cva-19 |
David | Aiken | cwed |
Christopher W. | Roe | cwroe |
Chuck | Yeomans (D) | cyeomans |
Georgette | Chaigres | Da bears |
David | Boyer | DaBoy24 |
Scott | Noble | Dadofmark47 |
Keri | Daughtry | Daisy&Dot |
Bradley | Gronli | Dakesh |
Sheila | Crete | damonsmom |
Danny | Gallenberger | Danathaniel |
Anthony Keith | Draper | dapper |
Brad | Reed | darb4 |
Darnel | Chevrette | Darnelch |
Eda Lynn | Gronli | dartoneder |
David | McMillan | davemacjock |
Deanna | Briesemeister | dboettcher |
Dana | McClain | ddm57 |
Doug | Whitlock | ddub599 |
Michael | Dokey | dealmein |
Daniel | Crete | dec |
Michael | DeHart | dehartland15 |
Dave | Ehle | dehle |
Denise | Vandevelde | Denise V |
Edgar | Tuttle | despacio |
Jim | Correa | Dio |
Larry | Neve | dirtsailor |
Don | Zeutschel | Dizzy |
Art | Collins | djartie |
Bill | Whiting | dmc5700 |
Denny | Denend Jr. | doatsnden |
Cheryl | Holmes | Dogsma |
Don | Eskelsen | DonCA6397 |
Timothy | Morrissey (D) | donordad |
Dorothy | Mickow (D) | dotsky |
Douglas | Campbell | dougcampbell |
Heath | Bennett | Downloaded_Dad |
David | Amber | dpamber |
David | Hayes | dph |
Aaron T. | Young | DracoYin |
Larry | Reed | drcrib |
John | Kerwin | Drgolf123 |
Cameron | Melvoin | Drueke47 |
Frank | Reddy | DrVodka |
Dan | Sand | dsandprint |
Dale B. | McKiernan | dudenaz |
Dulcie | Hays | Dulciedawn |
Joan | Fletcher | DUSTEN |
David | Velguth | dvelguth |
Daniel | El-Dweek | Dweeker |
John F. | Reed (D) | eagle7374 |
Gary | Brandt | Eaglear39 |
Robins | Buck | EasternShoreman |
Bruce | Heath | edgar619 |
John | Updike | eldonlasvegas |
Jimmy | Jaynes (D) | Elijahs lady |
Susan | Jaynes | elijahslady |
Ellen | Lauer | ellenlauer |
Ellen K. | Kutz | Ellie_Bear |
Gina | Scavera | EllieBrittney |
Lori | Boyer | ELMO4X4 |
Emma L. | Schambach | emma_schambach |
Erika | Hadlock | ErikaLT |
Erik Royland | Locke | erlportland3151 |
Rick | Allen | Excitations |
Richard L. | Swaney | Explorer |
Paul | Rice | EZ1EZ2 |
Mary | Gates | Fader |
Terry | Kueker | FALK |
Edward A. | Andree | Fanore |
Richard E. | Wilken | FISHINGGONE |
David Lee | Franklin | fishingisliving |
Nate | Down | FitToBe |
Larry A. | Bearfield | fl1398 |
Ann D. | Massa | Flannlee |
Craig L. | Thighe | flyinc |
Thomas | Kay | Foghorn Leghorn |
Kyle | Correll | foofigher24 |
Frank | Henry | Frankee2 |
Michelle | Barthelmess | Frazu2 |
Robert M. | Maupin | fred1989 |
William F. | Walker | fredster |
Charles H. | Herron | Frewhln |
Steve | Harman | frogdog |
Lisa | Humiston | Frosti63 |
Sara | Sandey | FunSizedSara |
Suzanne | Clark | Gapegger |
Iva June | Davis | GATOR1 |
Anthony | Trotter | gbphoenix |
Allen R. | Wilson | Gdub |
Robert A. | Read | GeneralDawg |
Doug | Mehl | Genshin |
Garrett | Franks | GFranks311 |
Gary | Galetti | gg1951 |
Gary | McCuskey | glmcc00397 |
Greg | Brettell | GMBrettell |
Michael D. | Green | gobbergee |
Kurt | Ocker | Godzilla |
Michael | Hromowyk | Golfer89 |
Raymond L. | Yaeger | goober69 |
Gregory | Gougian | gougie00 |
Sara | Sanner | Grammy20 |
Geoffrey | Rezek | grrezek |
Guy | Johnstone | grumpy guy |
Don Grumpy | Howard | GrumpyDopey3 |
Dan | Gamba | gumby55 |
Kevin J. | Knight | Gunner290 |
Mark | Morrison | GUNPLUMMER |
Bryan J. | Gurden | gurdszilla |
Ronald D. | Gustafson | gustofwind |
Sandra | Plake | halebop1250 |
Hal | Mueller | HALSCRIB |
Ron | Handy | Handy |
Ronnie | Murakami | Hapegger |
Nancy J. | Farrell | haycat51 |
Ed | Bloom | HeliumMan |
Christy | Wirtanen | HippyGirl |
Kent | Neilson | hisnibs |
Heath | Colon | Hjcolon |
Donald | Strychalski | holdingqb |
Dean | Bauman (D) | hossdoc |
Erik | Weiss | Houdini1217 |
Larry C. | Loupee (D) | hrts007 |
Sam | Sinram | IA503 |
Steve B. | Johnson (D) | Ia52 |
Jeff | Machovsky | IA527 |
Bob | Hanes | ia801 |
Ian | Stone | ianstone22 |
Bert | Cox | ibBERT |
William C. | Erickson | IL1033nwc |
Haley | Hintze | IL991 |
Dan | McAlary | Im second |
Nick | Kenny | ironpaws |
Joel | Paradis | J_Paradis |
Bob | Proctor | Jager |
James | Ravenscroft | Jahmez |
Jake | Doolittle | Jakedoolittle11 |
Jon | Kline | Jaks2011 |
James | Westlake | james500 |
Jason | Jennings | jason1972 |
Jason | Hofbauer | Jason2829 |
Don | Allcock | JazzFan74 |
Jason | Berry | jberry29 |
John | Curtis | jcurt |
Jerry D. | Hedden | jdhedden |
Jennifer | Bolles | Jebbbifer |
Patricia | Elliott | jeeplady41 |
Jeff | Crabill | jeff306 |
Jeff | Raynes | jeffraynes29 |
Jennifer | Johnson | JenFromNC |
Jennifer | Bednarek | JenRN |
Gerald D. | Oxford | jerryox |
Kevin | Mansfield | jethrotulll |
Jamie | Fincher | jfinch6405 |
John | Gray | jgray |
James H. | Hearon III | JHearonIII |
James R. | Barron (D) | jim2238 |
James A. | Muller (D) | jimbo1936 |
David E. | Long | JiminyC |
Jim | Skokowski | jimski55 |
Jim | Willis (D) | jimwillisca |
Jennifer | Curnow | JJx7Fan |
Joseph | Alvarez | jkjnark1 |
Jack | Lien | JL112 |
Julie | Felkins | JMack555J5 |
Jason | Matheny | jmath714 |
John | McKenna | jmckenna15 |
Jim | Maffa | jmm396 |
JoAnne | Thomas (D) | jmrwa2338 |
Jonnie M. | Teall | JMT492 |
Joseph W. | Murdock | joe2629 |
Joe | Losacco | Joe2Win |
Joe | Daesch | joed6508 |
John | Stoll | John3399 |
John | Becker | Johnny B |
John H. | Crabbe Jr. | JohnnyC44 |
John | Gibbons | JohnnyG15/2 |
John | Bennett | Johnscrib |
Jon | Herman | JonnyAce |
Joyce | Betz | joyus80 |
John | Petrulavage | jpetro |
John B. | Morch II | Jphn3883 |
Jude | Zyskowski | jrun21 |
James | Frampton | JSFrampton |
Joseph T. | Botkin | jtbot53 |
Joshua | Thoune | Jtoon |
Julia | van Dongen | JulesOnline |
Shane | Lewis | JulianVerse |
June | Fordham | june6 |
Wayne | Momsen | Junto117 |
Keith R. | Miller | k29m |
Kathleen C. | Cook | Katsup_US |
Ken | Moomey | KenIA |
Kim | Daubenspeck | Kim808 |
Dan | Selke | KindofBlue |
Kyle P. | Johnson | kjohnson |
Ken | George | kngeorge79 |
Kayli | Roseman | Kr1882 |
Kristina M. | Wright | KRISTINAW |
Bernard | Whitfield | kwmunf |
Kevin C. | Harris | kyhome |
Ronald H. | Koep | ladybug1 |
Cate | Correa | LadyCate |
Cindy | Rosenstock | ladypegger |
Bruce | McGillivray | -lake |
Eva | Brasz | lasata421 |
Laurie | Schmitz | LaurieinVA |
Al Jean | Simpson (D) | Ldybgood |
Alice | Souza | Ldyisbad |
Peter | Legendre | legend397 |
Larry | Rozeck | leisurelarry |
Kai | Lemrise | lemrise34 |
Les | Kvien | Les K |
Gene | Lo Conte | Lgseamonkey |
Jack | Howsare | LIFEMASTERJACK |
Meme | Schafer | lilbuds1997 |
Kelly Ann | Burgar | lilthummper |
Linda L. | Kekke | Linddylou |
Christopher | Killmeyer | llatakculon |
Todd D. | Wolfley | lobomente |
Bruce D. | Sattler | LooseBruce |
John | Mealy | lordoftheboard |
Lorna L. | Jones-Young | Lornas63 |
Joyce I. | Keay | ltweaver |
Ronald | Linnane | Luckybus |
Greg | Girard | Luvtobike |
Carlyle | Elliott | Lyle3 |
Marc B. | Leichtling | M1607 |
Mara | Mahoney | MA2554 |
Donald | Parker | MA989 |
William | McArthur | Mac42 |
Karel | Mace | Macer |
Steven | Macomber | macsteve |
John R. | Murphy | MadMurphy |
Phyllis A. | Day | maplesugar00 |
Marcia | Glenn | marciaglenn |
John | Green | mardukis9 |
Mark | Mano | MarkM |
Mark | Meyer | MarkWillard |
Mark | Wojchick | MarkWo |
A. Marley | Souza | Marleymoo |
Donna | Marzouk | marzoukoo |
Don | Pohlman | MayorDon |
Michael | Cavanaugh | Mcavan2 |
Michael | Crow | mcrow |
Matthew | Papapietro | mdppptro |
Jerry | Griffin | Meatloaf627 |
Stephen | Dugas | MedfordDoogie |
Mitch | Sanders | MeeCHO |
Melissa | Rutledge | MelRut |
Rhonda | Perry | meme5 |
Ryan | Huffman | Meow80 |
Mike | Fetchel | mfetchCT425 |
Kelly | Paxton | Mgolfer5 |
Michael | Bober | MichaelBober |
Julie | Edwards | missjulie |
Tammy | Gibbons | MistressofCribbage |
Gerald | Gruber (D) | mngolf51 |
Marilyn | Gaudreau | mohini |
Royal | Newell | montanaroy40 |
Rick | Montague | Monty21863 |
Gary A. | Peterson | Mozzymo68 |
Daniel | Pitnell | Mrdp18 |
John T. | Miller | mrnickel66 |
Robert | Medeiros | Mrob |
Debra | Lucas | MsBeeHaven |
Valerie | Beaver | Msbehavin |
Jim | Blakeley | MT559 |
Monica | Hunt | MTCzech213 |
CathiJo | Neff | mtgal1971 |
Roger | McGlenn | mtmogie |
Andy | Roland | muesli64 |
Edward | Hodapp | Muggins |
Paul | Felver (D) | Muskie1965 |
Summer | Lockhart | Myfugi |
Nancy | Rojas | nancribdr |
Ellen | Emery Johnson | natenporky |
Kristy | Haught | NC494 |
John | Schafer | netview85 |
Howard | Levinson | Never Grow Up |
Henry | Bergeron (D) | NH141 |
Paula | Bergeron | NH142 |
Cynthia | Wark | NH2CAVMD |
Nick | Tuzzolino | NickFire |
Daniel | Legendre | NineteenHandDan |
Gerald D. | Nickels | nixplus |
Norman C. | Thompson Sr. | nomadnorm |
Steven | Seeskin | NoMore19Hands |
Eunice | Kendall | nooniek6568 |
Margaret | Christensen-Deutsch | NorcalMaggi |
Brian | Paulsen | NoRemorse72 |
Norman | White | NormW |
Michael A. | Mattia | Northern Mike |
Diane | Lundahl | novagirl228 |
Sandy | Sands | now4sands |
Sue | Dalton | Numbercruncher |
Nancy R. | Roncetti | nunzia |
Michael | O'Brien | nuttcrack |
Robin | Rogers | NV836 |
Nick | Severson | OGShmoo |
Terry W. | Sloope | ohforfour |
Tiffany Amber | Jordan | ohhhjeez |
Julia | Schewanick | ohhhjeez |
Lee | Foglesong | Old Fogey |
Dick | Pedersen | Oldereliable |
Jim | Langstraat | Oldguard58 |
Olivia | Kelley | OliviaKelley1675 |
Donald | Olney | olney47 |
Gerald | Klein | olprospector |
Connor | Paydos | Onionsss69 |
Michael N. | Watson | OR2963 |
Rollie | Heath (D) | OR574L |
Roy | Hohn | orcaorion |
Monica | Newton | oreo2757 |
Pete | Knapp | OrPeteK |
Brad | Henderson | ousooner |
Scott | Harker | PA181 |
Patrick A. | Franus (D) | PA192L |
Ron | Comer | PA241 |
Bob | Joslin | PackJack |
Patrick | Perkins | PaddyCole |
Pamela | Pomeroy | pampom |
David D. | Braach (D) | papa349 |
Jim | Chadwick | Parttime |
Pat | Liegl | patco1950 |
Patrick C. | Hunt | Patrick26 |
Raymond J. | Tondorf | patriots12 |
Paige | Thomas | PDTA70 |
Peter | Setian | Peacefulpeter |
Phillip J. | Ebert | Peaceman1947 |
George | Ioannou | peg master |
Jeanne | Jelke | Peg Maven |
Thomas | West | pegdragon |
Bill | Peters | Peggerhead1 |
James H. | Bouschor | Peggin Pete 3 |
Ross | Newmann | PegWhisperer |
Penny L. | Shepherd | PennyLaine |
Ian | Travers | Peri_Veer |
Peter | O'Connor | peterakasmokie |
Carole | Herron | PeterJoe |
Derek | Glunz | PhillyStyleCrib |
Todd A. | Hohn | Phitodd |
Mark R. | Lamothe Sr. | Phocan |
Ronald | James | phx52 |
Donald | Czeczok | Pickee Pegger |
Pierre | Olivier | PierreOlivier |
Jorge | Escobar | pirapire |
Megan A. | Player | player1974 |
J. | May | potlicker |
Paul | Poropatic | pporopatic |
Jeff | Nugent | Prairie Angus |
Patrick | Sullivan | psully13 |
Pat | Welsh | Pwcribon |
Patrick | Raney | pwr1914 |
Beth | Van Domelen | qkitch |
Denise E. | Kobuszewski | Quarterhorsedoc |
Mary E | Simon | QueenCali |
Steve | Hutcheson | racer3335 |
Harald | Rosenberg | Racquetball2 |
Paul | Dockstader | Rawley191919 |
Richard | May | rcmay5 |
Roger D. | Baxter | rdbaxter |
Ron | Shelton | red29rws |
Donald | LeVack | redeagle9 |
James | Baker | Redressrun |
Chad | Frischmann | rehash |
Reiny | Grasmick | Reindog |
Robert | Milk | REMilk |
Ted | Peer | resetbypeer |
Virginia | Grant | retrn |
R. G. | Burling | rgb |
Richard | Governale | R-Go |
Michael | D'Elena | ri971 |
Richard | Ortado | richieort |
Rick | Baird | rickyticky2201 |
Robert | King | rking |
Edwin | Williams | RMEC80 |
Roger | Grandgeorge | rmg47 |
Rich | Ekman | rockardo1243 |
Jordan | Hammond | RockTheCrib |
Roger W. | Wilson | rogerw29 |
Michael | Durkota | rogue13 |
Adrian | Levy | rohrerboy |
Roy A. | Kaufmann (D) | Roy43 |
Avenel | Lee | royalcatvenel |
Ron | Melrose | rpmrpm |
Ryan | Rondeau | rpraug |
Roger | Henry | rscout |
Michelle | Timmons | Rubylicious |
Brian | Ruhl | ruhlbr |
Elizabeth | Milodragovich | RustyBoots |
Ruth | King | RuthRegan |
Virginia | Lammers-DeSantis | Sake |
Sally | Henderson | SallyAnn3 |
Sandra | Stroup | Sandyland24 |
Sarah | Kuzera | Sarah_0321 |
Steven | Campanale | SC811 |
Scott | Hilborn | scoots83 |
Scott | Earley | scottcrib |
George H. | McLaughlin | Seatacmac |
James | Chase | SELTENRICH61 |
Scott A. | Milo | Sgt Pegger |
Shirley | Phelps | Shirley |
Shirley | Werner | Shirley |
Jordan | Bauldic | Shotrock3 |
Jim L. | Miller | SierraPete |
Michelle | Gryka | sillyshel2352 |
Kirk | Walker | Sir Kirk |
Wayne | LaBree | SirHuntsalot |
Mike | Rosenstock | sirpegger |
Tara | Shaia | SKAARA |
E. J. | Opinski | SKI |
Louis A. | Gardner | Skunker |
William L. | Cartwright | slim |
David | Coleson | sln477 |
Sawyer | Loger | Slogdog |
Shirley | Moschetti | sm2626 |
Steve | Parsons | smat |
Peggy | Shea | smingle08 |
Carl B. | Vennes | sod2wheat |
Gale | Woelffer | SodHog |
Barry W. | Spadea | spade660 |
Kim | Boydston | SPANAWAYKIM |
Jeffrey | Bovitz | sparky88xx |
Stephen | Podolski | spodolski |
Adam | Switzer | sprts2444 |
Robert | McDowell | SSN607 |
Ballard | Cheatham | stampbal |
Stan | Billingsley (D) | Stanb13 |
Majyk | Stella | StellarMajyk |
Steve | Gravel | SteveMN |
Steve | Sundet | Stevesundet |
Raymond J. | Fischer | Stinger96 |
David R. | Staup | Stopper1 |
Martha M. | Bryant | stupid1 |
Tammy | Linnane | Sugargirl |
David | Thorington | SunnyDave67 |
Robert | Reister | SunshineBill |
Susie | Hannibal | Susie5858 |
Suzanne | Lamoureux | sweetsue52 |
Sydney | Balows | sydbalows |
Pat | Molina | Tall Pat |
Lee | Dillon | taxman |
Mike | Poole | TBird302 |
Bill | Plunkett | teacher |
Tom | Cookman | Teched2bhere |
Ted | Schmid | ted |
Janice | Blanc | tennis |
Teri | Murdy | Terim |
Kevin | Anderson | tevdodd |
Thomas | Gole | tgole |
Thomas I. | Chew Jr. | TheChewstr |
David | Bute | TheCribster |
David R. | Smith | TheCuse5 |
Paul G. | Lajoie | thedrogue |
Mark S. | Fletcher | TheFletch |
Mark F. | TRUE | TheGatzBee |
Don | Thienel | thienel |
Thomas | Celske | thirty8special |
Richard | Shea | thirtyonefor14 |
Timothy M. | Julkowski | TimOregon2854 |
Timothy J. | Powers | timp |
Ray | Hatcher | tincanray |
Connie | Ewka | Tinker00 |
Timothy | Havighurst | tjhavig |
Terry | Carter | TLC1966 |
Heidi | Falk | ToastyMN |
Tom D. | Palmer | Tomas1948 |
Tom | Knape | tomearlpetty |
Dennis V. | Combs | trap1 |
James | Logue | tripleJamesL |
Diane | Guterman | TRIPLIT3 |
Kenneth | Bostwick | Troublemaker |
Michael | Crume | truckndad |
Joann | Trump | Trump-it |
Bob | Lewis (D) | tsaxplayer |
Darrell | Houston | tumblingdice55 |
Denise | Fortin | typogr4 |
David | Bartman | ulv152 |
Jim | Duff | unclekimo |
Joe | McVerry | usacoder |
Richard | Brandt II | uspsrick |
Anthony | Seven | UT00062 |
Patrick M. | Godfrey | VA736 |
Tanya | Kukral | veryfresh1 |
Vicki | Marchand | VictoriaM |
Virendra | Singh | Vman |
Jesse | Rocheleau | VT 316 |
David | Olney (D) | W0nuc47 |
Nancy | Hawkins | WA01194 |
Gary | Pinkley | WA1081 |
James P. | Hartung (D) | wa58j |
Kevin | Myhaver | Wade Garrett |
Art | Boulette | Waimea |
Charles | Lewis | Wallae1 |
Bernard | Kitheka | Wanzelu |
Richard | Nourse | WeddingPhotog |
Betsy | Miller | weezieboop |
Betty J. | Davis | westernpegger |
Garrett | Van Scyoc | wheelinhunter |
Jacob | Wheeler | wheels29 |
Craig | Rothbach | Wheezedr |
Mark | Habighorst | wi2229 |
Richard J. | Rice | winbrich |
Richard | Hammock | Winesteward48 |
William | Moody | wisepegger |
Gordy | Wise | wisewon |
Wayne | King | wking621 |
Don | Wolf | woofwoof |
William | MacMillan | WY00191L |
Peggy A. | Johnson | WY164 |
Patricia | Gossett | xerotoo |
Justin | Lovell | Xtrek85 |
Janet | Dokey | yangmee |
Tom | Langford | yanknshank29 |
Jan | Neveu (D) | yknota28 |
Bruce | Peterson | zblp1949 |