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This Month's News!

Aug 2021: Nancy Rojas starts us off in the new season on top but 11 months to go it can be anybodys game.

Player of the Month
With a total of 187 IRP's in Aug 2021 the Player of the Month is: Nancy Rojas (nancribdr).

Life eMasters - One Star
No member reached 10,000 IRPs

Life eMasters
No member reached 6,000 IRPs

Grand eMasters
No member
reached 4,000 IRPs

Barry W. Spadea (spade660) reached 2,000 IRPs


Top 10%

Please note that the maximum number of tournies to earn IRP's is 150 per season, but the

program keeps track of how many tournaments each player actually plays, even though

the IRP's stop being added in.

Rank Player GC_Screen_Name eCribbage_Screen_Name Tournaments IRPs
1 Nancy Rojas nancribdr nancribdr 23 187
2 James H. Morrow 29seeker 29seeker 13 171
3 Bernard Kitheka QQOY42 Wanzelu 12 161
4 Mike Fetchel mfetchCT425 mfetchCT425 12 151
5 Gary Brandt Eaglear39 Eaglear39 25 149
6 Reuben Sufka butchsuf butchsuf 24 148
7 Betsy Miller weezieboop weezieboop 23 140
8 Jeff Raynes jeffraynes29 jeffraynes29 15 129
9 Pat Liegl patco1950 patco1950 12 129
10 W. Joe Clarke Bigrednebraska Bigrednebraska 14 124
11 Sue Edwards CO434Sue CO434Sue 11 120
12 Jim Correa EvenSteven Dio 17 120
13 Lawrence O. Hatch LarryO LarryO 13 119
Please contact John Schafer if you have a dispute about Internet Rating Points

Jun 2021 news